“Mr. Madison Jacobovici, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”
1980年代,新派聖經學者開始主張,希伯來聖經成書的時期,是波斯時期(主前539-333年)或甚至希臘時期(主前333-167年)。這樣,聖經述說大衛和所羅門的事跡,只是虛構的文學故事,神話或傳說,毫無歷史價值,只是當時回歸的猶太人,身處於波斯帝國的猶大省(Yehud)用的政治宣傳手法,打造民族故事,以鞏固自己的地權。 在1993-94年間,聖經考古的發現直接地挑戰這種「神話論」,當時,聖經考古學家Avraham Biran正在發掘但城Tel Dan (Biran and Naveh 1995)。但城位於現代以色列北面,黑門山的山腳之下:
就在1993-94年間,Biran在外城門發現了三塊玄武岩造的紀念碑碎片(代號為A,B1,B2 ),就是「但城石碑」Tel Dan Stele:
這古亞蘭文石碑,屬於主前9世紀,英文翻譯如下(COS: 161-62; 另參Ahituv 2008): [ sa]id x [ ] and cu[t ] [ ] x my father went u[p against him when] he fought at x[ ] Then my father lay down and went to his [fathers]. There came up the king of I[s]rael beforetime in the land of my father, [but] Hadad [ma]de [me] king [ ] x Hadad went before me [and] I went from x [ ] of my king(s) I killed kin[gs?] who harnessed x [ch]ariots and thousands of horsemen [ ]rm son of [ ] king of Israel and kill[ed ]yahu son of [ I overthr]ew the house of David. I set/imposed [tribute ?] x their land to [ ] other and to [was/became kin]g over Is[rael ] siege against [ ] 因為只有三塊碎片,內容當然不完整,但卻可以肯定,石碑紀念一個主前9世紀的亞蘭王(哈薛?見王下8章,見Schniedewind 1996),曾打敗諸王,攻佔這個地方,石碑上清楚看到「以色列王」(mlk ysr'l; king of Israel),也提及「大衛之家」(bytdwd; house of David):
「以色列王」(mlk ysr'l; king of Israel):
「大衛之家」(bytdwd; house of David):
BYT DWD還是BYTDWD? 「否定聖經可靠論」(minimalism)的學者,立刻駁辯說,石碑上的BYT (家)和DWD (大衛)之間缺少了「分字點」word divider,所以,應讀作一個單字BYTDWD,Philip R. Davis堅稱,BYTDWD可有不同解說 (Davies 1994; Lemche and Thompson 1994; Thompson 1995),例如:
Ahituv, Shmuel. 2008. Echoes From the Past: Hebrew and Cognate Inscriptions From the Biblical Period. Jerusalem: Carta, p. 466.
Biran, A. and Naveh, J. 1995. The Tel Dan Inscription, A New Fragment. Israel Exploration Journal 45:1-18.
Davies, P. R. 1994. "House of David" Built on Sand: The Sins of the Biblical Maximizers. Biblical Archaeology Review 20/4: 54-55.
Freedman, David Noel, Geoghegan, Jeffrey C.. ““House of David” Is There!.” Biblical Archaeology Review, Mar/Apr 1995.
Hallo, William W. and K. Lawson Younger, Context of Scripture (Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2000), 161-62. (COS)
Lemaire, André. ““House of David” Restored in Moabite Inscription.” Biblical Archaeology Review, May/Jun 1994.
Lemche, N. P. and Thompson, T. L. 1994. Did Biran Kill David? The Bible in Light of Archaeology. Journal of the Study of the Old Testament 19:3-21.
Rainey, Anson F.. “The “House of David” and the House of the Deconstructionists.” Biblical Archaeology Review, Nov/Dec 1994.
Schniedewind, William M. Tel Dan Stela: New Light on Aramaic and Jehu's Revolt. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research, No. 302 (May, 1996), pp. 75-90.
Thompson, T. L. 1995. "House of David": An Eponymic Referent to Yahweh as Godfather. Scandinavian Journal of the Old Testament 9:236-240.
原來,鐵書的發現者David Elkington去年曾與Thonemann聯絡,並將一些相片電郵給他作驗證。在很短的時間之內,Thonemann教授已經證實了,其中一片的鐵書,其實是抄錄自一個早為人知的墓碑,而且這墓碑亦在約旦的安曼考古博物館Archaeological Museum in Amman展覽。其實是偽造者抄了墓碑文中的一行,斷章取義之後,這行希臘文已不再有意思。