星期二, 4月 12, 2011



今天最新「新聞」是Simcha Jacobovici所發報的,他又有轟動一時的發現,聲稱在該亞法Caiaphas的古墓,找到釘耶穌十字架的兩口鐵釘

Jacobovici在新的「記錄片」Nails of the Cross說:「我們帶給全世界最好的考古論證,這兩口鐵釘就是用來釘耶穌用的。」(其實是最荒謬的論證)

在這短片的頭一段,你可以聽到Jacobovici的謬論,但是要留意之後考古學家Dan Bahat的說話,Bahat是現今其中一位耶路撒冷考古學權威學者。而Jacobovici的廢話,可以不理。

Jacobovici自稱是「業餘考古學家」,曾與Titantic鐵達尼號的導演James Cameron合作,於2007年3月推出了一套叫Lost Tomb of Jesus的「記錄片」,裡面聲言找到安葬耶穌的古墓就是多年前在Talpiot發掘的一個古墓,也是廢話。


更多詳情,見Robert CargillRobert Cargill的回應精簡準確,他甚用了Adam Sandler的電影Billy Madison中的一段來回應Jacobovici的謬論:

“Mr. Madison Jacobovici, what you’ve just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.”
