Dear Mark sir, thanks for your reply. Being a layman born again Christian over 40 years , I keep myself open-minded for different theological hypothesis, such as calvinism vs arminianism. About Bible Interpretation of Genesis and Creation of Mankind, John Walton is one of the leading theologists. Though I don't completely agree his book "Lost World of Genesis One" but the contents are worth further study. Again, thanks for sharing your fruitful archeology research without reservation. It has also become my trust Bible study resource. God Bless. Sam
Sam, I am glad you are reading Walton's Genesis book. I do think the traditional literalistic interpretation imposes modern literalism on to the ancient biblical texts, hence creating unnecessary issues for us to deal with. The comparative approach seeks to compare ancient cosmological texts with biblical cosmological ones. All the ancient near eastern accounts of the creation of humanity focus on the creation of archetypal humanity. I think this line of biblical interpretation not only avoid unnecessary debates regarding the early history of humanity, but also corrects the tendency of modern anachronism by reading the text with ancient eyes. Thanks for your comments and the desire to engage with the sacred text. Thanks for reading my blog!
4 則留言:
Mark Sir, 录音中,提及亞当可能不是第一位人类,可否提供些參考資料?這对我了解上古的家庭際度及 创6: 1-4都很有帮助,又藉此多謝你在主里的考古研究。
創世記 1-3 章的「人」、「那人」、「亞當」意思是指作為人類的代表,照 John Walton 的解釋,「人」或「亞當」是代表(archetype),而不是單單一個人。例如,創世記 1:27 神以神的形象創人,原文是 ha-adam,即人類,所以意思不必是一個人,而是人類。亞當是人類的代表,不只是單單一個人。這樣,我們無必要把創世記 1-3 章,想像為只有兩個人(亞當和夏娃)。所以,創世記 4 章中,該隱的妻子,不必是亞當夏娃的女兒,不必是兄妹結婚,不必是亂倫關係;該隱怕別人報復,也就不一定指怕亞當、夏娃或他的弟妹。
Dear Mark sir, thanks for your reply. Being a layman born again Christian over 40 years , I keep myself open-minded for different theological hypothesis, such as calvinism vs arminianism.
About Bible Interpretation of Genesis and Creation of Mankind, John Walton is one of the leading theologists. Though I don't completely agree his book "Lost World of Genesis One" but the contents are worth further study.
Again, thanks for sharing your fruitful archeology research without reservation. It has also become my trust Bible study resource. God Bless. Sam
Sam, I am glad you are reading Walton's Genesis book. I do think the traditional literalistic interpretation imposes modern literalism on to the ancient biblical texts, hence creating unnecessary issues for us to deal with. The comparative approach seeks to compare ancient cosmological texts with biblical cosmological ones. All the ancient near eastern accounts of the creation of humanity focus on the creation of archetypal humanity. I think this line of biblical interpretation not only avoid unnecessary debates regarding the early history of humanity, but also corrects the tendency of modern anachronism by reading the text with ancient eyes. Thanks for your comments and the desire to engage with the sacred text. Thanks for reading my blog!