這結構是由 Gordon Wenham [1] 提出的。其他學者也提出過類似的結構。
(創世記 6:10-9:19)
A 挪亞 (6:10a)
B 閃、含、雅弗 (6:10b)
C 造方舟 (6:14-16)
D 洪水將臨 (6:17)
E 神與挪亞立約 (6:18-20)
F 方舟內的食物 (6:21)
G 命令進方舟 (7:1-3)
H 七天等待洪水來臨 (7:4-5)
I 七天等待洪水來臨 (7:7-10)
J 進方舟 (7:11-15)
K 耶和華把挪亞關在方舟 (7:16)
L 洪水四十天氾濫 (7:17a)
M 水往上長 (7:17b-18)
N 山被淹沒 (7:19-20)
O 水勢浩大一百五十天 (7:21-24)
P 神記念挪亞 (8:1)
O’ 水漸退去一百五十天 (8:3)
N’ 山現出來 (8:4-5)
M’ 水漸退去 (8:5)
L’ 洪水四十天結束 (8:6a)
K’ 挪亞開了方舟窗戶 (8:6b)
J’ 烏鴉鴿子出方舟 (8:7-9)
I’ 七天等待洪水退去 (8:7-9)
H’ 七天等待洪水退去 (8:10-11)
G’ 命令出方舟 (8:15-17)
F’ 方舟外的食物 (9:1-4)
E’ 神與眾生立約 (9:8-10)
D’ 洪水不再 (9:11-17)
C’ 出方舟 (9:18a)
B’ 閃、含、雅弗 (9:18b)
A’ 挪亞 (9:19)
Palistrophic Structure of the Flood Narrative
(Genesis 6:10-9:19)
A Noah (6:10a)
B Shem, Ham, and Japheth (6:10b)
C Ark to be built (6:14-16)
D Flood announced (6:17)
E Covenant with Noah (6:18-20)
F Food in the ark (6:21)
G Command to enter ark (7:1-3)
H 7 days waiting for flood (7:4-5)
I 7 days waiting for flood (7:7-10)
J Entry to ark (7:11-15)
K Yahweh shuts Noah in ark (7:16)
L 40 days flood (7:17a)
M Waters increase (7:17b-18)
N Mountains covered (7:19-20)
O 150 days waters prevail (7:21-24)
O’ 150 days waters abate (8:3)
N’ Mountains tops visible (8:4-5)
M’ Waters abate (8:5)
L’ 40 days (end of) (8:6a)
K’ Noah opens window of ark (8:6b)
J’ Raven and dove leave ark (8:7-9)
I’ 7 days waiting for waters to subside (8:7-9)
H’ 7 days waiting for waters to subside (8:10-11)
G’ Command to leave ark (8:15-17)
F’ Food outside ark (9:1-4)
E’ Covenant with all flesh (9:8-10)
D’ No flood in future (9:11-17)
C’ Ark left (9:18a)
B’ Shem, Ham, and Japheth (9:18b)
A’ Noah (9:19)
[1] Gordon J. Wenham, “The Coherence of the Flood Narrative” in I Studied Inscriptions From Before the Flood: Ancient Near Eastern, Literary, and Linguistic Approaches to Genesis 1-11; edited by Richard S. Hess and David Toshio Tsumura (Winona Lake, IN: Eisenbrauns, 1994), 436-447; reprinted from Vetus Testamentum 28 (1978): 336-348.